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Marron has success/any corsoketed its role in the constnstoon el Mn Dubai, the worlds tallest OblerVabal %heti. Dmrloped by Mora. Ain Dubai sits on Blueweemn in the !wan of Daus and once operational.. will proode residents ant visitors extenshr siens dap kenc city of Dub. and its shotehrie.
In 2014 Hyundai Entinemityt h aftttrUOICel DIDEC). rh max, °entracte. on the peo)na. awarded Slammed the hurty Ward COMMA to install the key smxtural dements of the who. Being Inwivol m thecatty phase of the project enabled Stain met to peso. an invallaton method that delivered Venter eRim", safety aid cost efleveisenew. They proposed Insulted the lupst elements. the legs and sondk.daectly from the huge they an on cet a foundations wig h two of their sure' heavy lift cern. This thmented the new foe treporary storage. multiple barge ...won, and worbest at extreme heiDsts hme nodose. that Mn DuttNi will tames place among the "odds most famous landinnla. setting a new precedent in the counsel industry and mak.0 Dotm a hr. Moire donnation for the Mir-manorial leisure and butane-. traveler kW are committed to surponing Dubais aehtsciom to strengthen as pwkion as a Ott eity and tunisess hub of the Middle Fast: said hIrchel Pram.. Conroe:oil Director of 3damrnsee kiddie dant and Al nen.
I tang 125m Inne..WOrans lee. it Ain
Each 8904on kilt measured 12Stn bees and 6Sen in dumper They were rolled ores Mammaset's tarp using 40 axle lies of STMT at the fahrwation yard in Abu Dhabi Once en the torte. the legs were swath- nimmi to the see. For the wmallsoon. Mammto $1011(0 the ...Ids !Mr., CM.," 22C 20005 SODO ton ring crane. with a 3)00 ton CIANiff Dane Totechef they emu red the midday and floblity rowed to lift each leg and the spindle from the huge ins° comm. whit. working I dim above the ground. Subsesduenily. Mammon set a 'weld tecord tlift Mg the 1.000-son spirshe to sit on top of the four lets. it was the heaviest and histust tandem IA no swelectaken wurldvode. a
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